Affordable Online Equestrian Education



Introducing Cornerstone Equine Academy

Simple, straight-forward information you need to feel confident your horse is getting the best!

Normally $49/mo - act now and get in for just $29/mo!


At the end of the day, you want what's best for your horse, but you don't know what you don't know.

  • Are you feeding them the right food?
  • Are they getting enough exercise?
  • If they go lame, do you know what to do?
  • Is there anything with their healthcare you're forgetting?
  • Do you know what to do when they start pushing your boundaries?
  • Are you capable of training them yourself without screwing them up?

Which of these sounds like you?

So you go on YouTube, ask in horsey FB groups, search google, but the saying is "Ask 100 horsemen and you'll get 106 answers."

But It's Not Your Fault!

Most trainers teach what to do, but not how, or why, or what else to do if it doesn't work the first time.

If you don't become your own horse expert, you run the risk of your horse becoming a glorified lawn ornament, developing dangerous vice and habit, or worse, injuring you in the process.

How do I know? Because I've been there!

I was a teenager when I got my first two horses. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew I loved horses and needed them in my life.

Show me one professional who doesn't do continuing education? Who has "arrived" as the best in their industry and stops studying or training.
Your horse wants you to become an expert. He can't tell you what's wrong. He can't tell you what he wants. It's your responsibility to learn as much as you can about him and his needs.

That's where the Academy comes in.

Not only did both become glorified lawn ornaments and developed bad vices, I ended up the ER. Twice!

We ended up having to rehome them and I want to help you avoid the guilt and shame I went through.

So what is the solution?

Go to school to learn!

It sounds simple, but think about it.

If you wait until something goes wrong, you have to wait until something goes wrong! If you take the time each week to learn the how's and why's of horse ownership, you will be empowered and know exactly what to do!

Introducing Cornerstone Equine Academy

Cornerstone Equine Academy isn't a "training" course like all the others you may have taken.
It is a monthly membership that will empower you, build your confidence, and give you the tools you need to become the BEST horse owner.

  • You'll learn all about equine nutrition so that you can be confident your horse is getting the best.
  • You'll learn how your horse thinks so that you can understand them better.
  • You'll learn how to troubleshoot any behavioral or training issue you encounter so that you can be your own trainer!
  • You'll walk into the barn CONFIDENT that you can handle anything!
  • You'll create a lasting bond of respect and affection between you and your horse.
  • Your horse will WANT to be with you.
  • You'll create a training plan that can turn your greenie weenie into a star.
  • You'll study every aspect of horsemanship and horse care so that you know you're taking the best care of your horse!
  • People will start coming to YOU for advice!

What horse lovers just like you are saying about the Academy...

"... the comprehensive tool that you need as a new horse owner "

"When you own a horse of your own, it's hard to "know what you don't know". I remember just feeling like every week as a new horse owner, there was always something new that I had to troubleshoot that I often wondered what I was missing and how I could care for my horse better...Cornerstone Equine Academy is the comprehensive tool that you need as a new horse owner. You'll not only learn so much about how to give your horse the absolute BEST care possible, but you will also be able to troubleshoot training and riding issues, how to understand your horse's psychology, and the WHY behind all of the best practices of horse ownership. I could not recommend this membership more!"

- Lindsey Rains (Encinitas, CA)

"Everything I Could Ever Want in a Horsey Membership!"

The lessons are beautifully taught, easily understandable, and I learn something new in every single one.
I can go to the specific lesson if I'm working on a specific problem, or go through the modules in order for a full-on mini-course.
Love it!

- Brianna Nash (Seminary, MS)

"Awesome program and I’m glad we tried it!"

I used this program for homeschool as a add on for career exploration. My son loved that it was simple to follow, easy to navigate, and lots of useful information. He knows a lot but he said there was a lot he didn’t know!

- Danielle Bock

CEA Saved a Horse's Life!

Easy to follow

Organized to make it easy to navigate


Trainer in your pocket

Taking complicated concepts and making them easy to understand

Laura's finally understanding her rescue mare

Info you can apply on day One

Great for beginners!

Great for new horse owners

Better than other programs

Easy step-by-step how-to to ensure no training gaps

Let's get down to business...

Here is what the Academy Covers


Fool-Proof Training: Create a Program That Even a Fool Could Do!

  • Deep dive not only in the "whys" of training, but alternatives if the training doesn't go "right".
  • Step-by-step training checklist so you know EXACTLY what to do next.
  • Learn my 4-step process to addressing and correcting ANY behavioral or training issue.


Create the Horse-Human Relationship of Your Dreams!

  • Dive into horse phycology and behavior so that you can finally understand what your horse is trying to tell you.
  • Learn how to communicate to your horse in his own language.
  • Utilize any of the exercises in our "relationship building exercise" database to help build that bond you're looking for.


Unlock Your Horse's Potential: Analyzing Conformation for Performance

  • If you're looking to buy a new horse, look for conformation faults that may mean he'll break down early.
  • Discover how to analyze other horses' conformation to help all your horsey friends.
  • Learn how conformation affects your horse's athletic ability and what sport they're built for.


Caring for Your Horse: The Ultimate Act of Love

  • Discover how to prevent colic and ulcers so that your horse can feel his best.
  • Learn the secret to preventing health issues so that you can avoid that vet call.
  • Confidently apply first aid to your horse in an emergency.


No hoof, no horse.

  • Learn all about various conditions that affect the quality and health of the hoof.
  • Learn correct hoof angles to prevent injuries.
  • The secret etiquette your farrier wish you knew.

AND I Have Some Extra "Goodies" For You...

Cornerstone Equine Academy will completely transform the way you approach your horsemanship. But that's ONLY the beginning!

When you join the Academy, you'll also get exclusive discounts from all your favorite venders, saving you money, and 5 bonuses totaling an additional $2276 in gifts for you when you enroll today.

Build a Better Topline ($27 Value)

All of the exercises to help build the topline of your dreams, plus the ONE secret to doing it right.

Buy Your Dream Horse Bootcamp ($127 Value)

A step-by-step guide to making sure you buy the RIGHT horse, the FIRST time.

Complete Training Masterclass ($400 Value)

Train your horse from the ground up using an easy-to-follow step-by-step methodology that puts safety and compassion for the horse first.

Trust and Connection Academy Relationship Path ($297 Value)

An in-depth look at equine behavior, how to gain their trust and develop the lasting relationship you've always wanted.

I know, I know...okay...but how much does it cost?

In person riding lessons cost anywhere from $45-$100/hr.

A virtual riding lesson is anywhere from $75-$135.

Vet bills can run up to $2000.

Sending your horse away for training for 30 days costs between $1000-$2000.

The bachelors in Equine Studies I received cost roughly $250,000 for four years.

But you don't have to spend that to achieve your dreams!

Why those don't work...

However riding lessons only teach you how to ride.

They don't prepare you to ride, train, and care for a horse.

Sending your horse away for training means you get back a horse broke to ride for someone else.

And most people don't have the time and money to go to college to learn about horses.

But over the past few years, I've seen more and more horse lovers struggle to understand their four-legged partner.

They get stuck, frustrated and lose their confidence. Which means their horses loses confidence in them too.

It's for that reason that I want to make sure I get this training into as many hands as possible. Because when we know better, we can do better.

So tell me...are you in?

Monthly Plan

  • New lessons and exercises weekly
  • Access to all past modules and lessons
  • Exclusive Facebook group
  • Special discounts from our favorite vendors
  • Direct access to me as a trainer
  • Access to an exercise library
  • Cancel any time

$49.97 $29.97

Sign me up

Yearly Plan

  • 2 months FREE!!
  • New lessons and exercises weekly
  • Access to all past modules and lessons
  • Exclusive Facebook group
  • Special discounts from our favorite vendors
  • Direct access to me as a trainer
  • Access to an exercise library
  • Cancel any time

$499.70 $299.70

100% Money Back Guarantee

I understand that if you're like most people who come to me, you've bought training courses in the past but they didn't pan out.
Heck! I've bought them all too!
But I can promise you that won't happen here. I'm including a 365 day, no-questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. Which means for ANY reason you discover you don't like this program, it's not what you wanted, or it doesn't work for you, you can simply email me at and I will be happy to refund your money.
I want you to know you can invest in this program with ZERO risk of getting burned.
You can have peace of mind when you invest.
If you have ANY training issues with your horse, you should enroll today because you can try the material, see if it's right for you, risk free.
If it works your relationship with your horse will never be the same.
If it doesn't work, simply email me and I will be happy to refund your money.


So let's recap...

When you join the Academy today you get instant access to the videos and exercises I've already created to transform your horsemanship (Worth $49.97/mo)

Plus you also get all of my added bonuses and mini-courses (a $2276 value).

You'll get direct access to me as a trainer to answer all your questions, clear up doubts, and keep you motivated and on track ($360/mo value).

Access to all my future lessons and mini-courses. (Priceless).

That makes everything you get worth well over $4320/year and you can get it today for only $29.97/mo or $299/year!

This is the lowest price I will ever offer the Academy at, and as more content is created, the price will increase accordingly.

So You Have a Choice...

You can join the Academy and up-level your horsemanship, training and relationship with your horse, or you can continue to wade through the mountains of contradicting information on the internet and Facebook.

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

I want better for you. I want better for your horse.

You CAN do it. With the right mindset, with the right tools, and with the right support you can transform your life and the lives of others in the world.

And I'll be there to help.

Don't waste another year dreaming about what could be.

Join us now and make your dreams a reality.


We've got A's for your Q's

Below is a list of the most common questions I've been asked. If for some reason you don't see your question, just reach out to me at so I can assist you.

Where are you located?

Physically we live in Horse Country in Virginia, however the Academy is all online! I don't want you to bring your horse to me to solve you training problem for you. I want to give YOU the tools to solve your OWN training problems.  

Can I still do this if I don't have a horse?

Absolutely! You can never learn too much about these animals we love. When we know better, we can do better. When/If you end up getting your own horse, you'll be even more prepared! Even if you NEVER end up having your own horse, your education and knowledge will benefit every horse you're around for the rest of your life.  

Do I need any special equipment? Or an arena?

Nope! Real horsemanship is timeless and doesn't require any special equipment or tool or even an arena to do!

What if I already have a trainer? 

Great! Most professional athletes have multiple trainers - weight lifting, nutrition, life coaching, etc. You can never have too many educated equestrians in your life.  

What can I expect once I enroll in the Academy?

Lifetime access to all past trainings and new weekly video lessons on various topics - everything from nutrition, health care, training and more! You'll also get access to our Private Facebook group of kind, like-minded, horse-first people and direct access to myself via this group. Have a pressing question? Want a training or riding video reviewed, pop it into the group and we'll help right away.  

What is the guarantee?

100% cancellation at any time, no questions asked. If you join and discover it's not for you in the first 30 days I'll cancel your subscription and give you a full refund.  

Is the Academy appropriate for kids?

Absolutely! While our youngest member is currently 10, I make a specific effort to make the information consumable and understandable by all ages. Educating the next generation of equestrians is a passion of mine.

We even have a ton of homeschoolers using this program to accompany their core curriculum!  

Is there some sort of certification at the end of this?

Currently there is not, because there is no "end". As individual modules or courses become complete I will be offering them separately, with a certification, for a much higher price. But if you join today, you'll be grandfathered in at the current price and receive your certificate after completion of a quiz.