200+ Best Horse Names
So you just got a new horse, or need a fun new barn name, this list of 200+ of the best horse names will have the solution for you!
Some think that renaming a horse is bad luck, but I love a barn where the horses’ names have themes.
Egyptian gods, rodeo theme, Hispanic names, etc.
If you haven’t bought a horse yet, check out my post on How Much Does It Cost to Keep a Horse?, 52 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Horse and What is a Pre-Purchase Exam and Why Do You Need One?

Things to Consider with Horse Names
When you’re looking for a new name for your horse, think about a few characteristics of your horse.
Mare or gelding?
What color?
What’s their personality like?
Do you want a serious nap or something playful?
Take all of these into consideration when choosing a new name!
- Abaccus
- Abby
- Abercrombie
- Above and Beyond
- Acapella
- Ace
- Acer
- Adagio
- Admiral
- Adobe
- Agape
- Aida
- Aidan
- Air Express
- Alacazam
- Alaska
- Alcatraz
- Ali Baba
- Alfie
- Allegria
- Allouette
- Ally
- Altair
- Amber
- Amber Dancer
- Annabell
- Annie
- Apache
- Apollo
- Apple
- April
- Asia
- Athena
- Autumn
- Badger
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barnaby
- Beast
- Beauty
- Bella
- Belle
- Big Red
- Big Smokey
- Billy
- Blaze
- Blondie
- Blue
- Bo
- Bob
- Bolt
- Bonnie
- Boots
- Brandy
- Bubbles
- Buck
- Buddy
- Bullet
- Bullet Proof
- Buster
- Buttercup
- Buttons
- Buzz
- Camanchi
- Captain
- Carolina
- Casey
- Cash
- Challenger
- Champ
- Chance
- Charger
- Charlie
- Cherokee
- Chester
- Cheyenne
- Chief
- Chip
- Cinnamon
- Cleveland
- Cliff
- Coco
- Colton
- Comet
- Cookie
- Copper
- Cowboy
- Cricket
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dale
- Dallas
- Diamond
- Diego
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Domino
- Dotty
- Doug
- Dreamer
- Duchess
- Duke
- Dusty
- Eclipse
- Edward
- El Gordo
- Elvis
- Emily
- Fargo
- Felix
- Fiona
- Fitz
- Freckles
- Friday
- Goliath
- Gunner
- Gypsy
- Hamptom
- Harley
- Harvey
- Henrietta
- Honey
- Isabelle
- Jack
- Jake
- Jasper
- Jazz
- Jet
- Jewel
- Jonesy
- Juliet
- King
- Kit Kat
- Kokomo
- Lady
- Layla
- Lil Sebastian
- Lily
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Luna
- Maggie
- Magic
- Maisy
- Major
- Marquis
- Max
- Maximus
- Midnight
- Millie
- Milo
- Misty
- Molly
- Mona
- Montana
- Monte
- Moonshine
- Mozart
- Murphy
- Napoleon
- Newton
- Nexus
- Onyx
- Opie
- Oreo
- Otto
- Paris
- Pepper
- Poncho
- Prince
- Queen
- Rain
- Randolph
- Ranger
- Rapunzel
- Red
- Rembrandt
- Rhonda
- Rio
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Rosie
- Russell
- Rusty
- Sally
- Scout
- Shelby
- Shiloh
- Silver
- Smartie
- Smokey
- Snowball
- Spirit
- Star
- Stormy
- Sugarfoot
- Sullivan
- Sunny
- Sydney
- Tater Trot
- Taz
- Thumper
- Thunder
- Tilly
- Toby
- Tootsie
- Tornado
- Townes
- Trotsky
- Usain Colt
- Valerie
- Vancouver
- Vanderbilt
- Versallies
- Victory
- Wally
- Whalen
- Whinnie
- Whiskers
- Whiskey
- Whisper
- Willie
- Willow
- Yoshi