8 Ways Horses Show Affection
Horses are very social and affectionate animals, capable of showing love and affection in many ways.
The horse is often touted as one of the most intelligent and loyal creatures on earth, with a deep emotional capacity that can be difficult to understand.

But what you may not know is that horses have an incredible ability to show affection and love towards their owners, just like any other pet!
From nuzzling to nickering, there are many ways horses express their fondness, and by understanding these subtle signals we can strengthen the bond between us and our equine companions.
In this blog post, we will explore how horses show affection and discuss ways to foster a deeper connection with your horse.
So read on to discover the language of love!

How Do Horses Show Affection?
1. Nuzzling
Horses show affection to both their herdmates and their people with gentle nuzzles.
A mother horse will nuzzle her foal just in front of his shoulder for comfort.
If you’ve ever been standing near your horse and he nuzzles you, he’s showing you affection!

2. Licking
A lot of horses will try to engage with you by licking you, especially your hands.
It’s their way of engaging in conversation with you and bond with you.

3. Grooming One Another
When a horse wants to bond with another horse with a good grooming session, they’ll begin by nuzzling or gently biting the withers of the other horse.
If the other horse is up for it too, he’ll return the wither-nuzzles.
This is called mutual grooming.
The first horse will then gently bite or nuzzle the part of the body THEY want groomed, on the second horse to tell them where they would like the scratches.
So, if your horse ever nuzzles your leg or foot, for example, he may be asking YOU to scratch his leg or foot.

4. Nickering
The nicker is one of the sweetest sounds I think I’ve ever heard. It’s a low, soft whiney and horses will do it as a greeting and as a sign they’re happy to see you!
5. Nibbling
This piggybacks on the grooming section above. However, nibbling can also be just a curious investigation of you.
6. Resting their head on your shoulder
If you hang out long enough, your horse may try to rest their head on your shoulder. I say try, because their heads are very heavy!
But if they do it shows that they trust you completely and feel safe in your presence.

7. Following
If your horse loves you, they will follow you in the field without a halter on.
They have accepted you as their leader and they WANT to be with you.
8. Being Protective
Horses can also be incredibly protective of their herd mates and their people.
If your horse positions herself between you and the rest of the herd, or doesn’t allow others to get near you, you can be sure you’re HER person.
These behaviors offer a glimpse into the emotional lives of horses and prove that they are much more than just farm animals – they are loving creatures who can show great compassion and loyalty if given the chance.
In conclusion, horses are incredibly affectionate animals and show their love in many different ways.
From nuzzling and licking to swatting their tails and following us around, these actions all demonstrate how much our equine companions care for us.
By understanding the language of love between humans and horses, we can strengthen the bond between us and create a deeper connection with our four-legged friends.
So the next time your horse displays one of these behaviors, take a moment to acknowledge their affection and show them how much you care too!